World Class Information Privacy Education

Canada's First Personal Information Protection & Privacy Education Company

Why MPC?

Since its inception in Toronto, Canada in 1989, Informatica Corporation has provided consulting and advisory services to Canadian companies. In the late 90's and early 00's, when privacy awareness was in its infancy, Managed Privacy Canada (MPC) (then Informatica) began offering education to clients interested in protecting the privacy, personal data and identities of clients.

Expert-Led Training

MPC's certified Privacy Risk Advisor™ consultants provide hundreds of annual seminars, custom training sessions and webinars to keep clients informed and aware of emerging privacy trends.

Privacy eLearning Pioneer

Over the decades, Informatica's 100+ privacy learning options have grown to include Professional Certification, live Webinars and training tools available nationwide.

Education Portal

Industry standards and legislative compliance remain a major driver of privacy training in Canada. From our Verify Phish Testing to Employee Privacy Awareness programs, clients can manage training from their own PrivacyDash portal.